Various modifications
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 302 additions and 294 deletions
@ -13,19 +13,20 @@ Dependencies:
import sys
import sys
from random import choice # For client_id generation
class C4Interface():
class C4Interface():
""" Interaction with AutoC4, the C4 home automation system. """
""" Interaction with AutoC4, the C4 home automation system. """
from uuid import uuid4
broker = ""
broker = ""
port = 1883
port = 1883
qos = 2
qos = 2
retain = True
retain = True
# Generate a (sufficiently) unique client id
# Generate a (sufficiently) unique client id
client_id = "c4ctrl-" + uuid4().hex
client_id = "c4ctrl-" + "".join(
choice("0123456789abcdefABCDEF") for unused in range(16)
debug = False
debug = False
def push(self, message, topic=None, retain=None):
def push(self, message, topic=None, retain=None):
@ -140,312 +141,6 @@ class C4Interface():
self.push(payload, topic="club/shutdown", retain=False)
self.push(payload, topic="club/shutdown", retain=False)
class Dmx:
""" Abstraction of the 3 channel LED cans in the club. """
# 3 bytes for color, one each for red, green and blue
template = "000000"
def __init__(self, topic, color=None):
self.topic = topic
self.set_color(color or self.template)
self.is_master = topic.rfind("/master") == len(topic)-7 # 7 = len("/master")
def _pad_color(self, color):
""" Merge hex color values or payloads into the template.
Expand 4 bit hex code notation (eg. #f0f) and pad with template
to get a fitting payload for this kind of light. """
if len(color) > len(self.template):
# Silently truncate bytes exceeding template length
return color[:len(self.template)]
# Expand 3 char codes and codes of half the required length.
# Yet, let's presume that a 6-char code is alway meant to be
# interpreted as a color and should never be expanded.
if len(color) != 6 and len(color) == 3 or len(color) == (len(self.template) / 2):
color = "".join(char*2 for char in color)
if len(color) == len(self.template): # Nothing more to do
return color
# Add padding
color = color + self.template[len(color):]
return color
def set_color(self, color):
""" Set color (hex) for this instance.
The color is then available via its color variable. """
color = self._pad_color(color)
self.color = color
self.payload = bytearray.fromhex(color)
class Dmx4(Dmx):
""" Abstraction of the 4 channel LED cans in the club. """
# 3 bytes for color plus 1 byte for brightness
template = "000000ff"
class Dmx7(Dmx):
""" Abstraction of the 7 channel LED cans in the club. """
# 3 bytes for color, another 3 bytes for special functions and 1 byte
# for brightness
template = "000000000000ff"
class C4Room:
""" Methods of rooms in the club. """
def __init__(self):
self.c4 = C4Interface()
self.switch_state = "" # State of switches in the like of str("0010")
def _interactive_light_switch(self):
""" Interactively ask for input.
Returns str(userinput). Will not write to stdout if sys.stdin is
no tty. """
if sys.stdin.isatty():
print("Please enter 0 or 1 for every light:")
for level in range(len(self.switches)):
print((level * '|') + ",- " + self.switches[level][0])
self.switch_state = self.get_switch_state()
print(self.switch_state) # Present current state
userinput = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip('\n')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("\rInterrupted by user.")
return ""
return userinput
def get_switch_state(self):
""" Returns current state of switches as a string of 1s and 0s. """
state = ""
req = []
for topic in self.switches:
responce = self.c4.pull(req)
for sw in self.switches:
for r in responce:
if r.topic == sw[1]:
state += str(int.from_bytes(r.payload, byteorder="little"))
if C4Interface.debug:
print("[DEBUG] Warning: handing over fake data to allow for further execution!",
state = '0' * len(self.switches)
return state
def light_switch(self, userinput=""):
""" Switch lamps in a room on or off. """
if not userinput:
# Derive user input from stdin
userinput = self._interactive_light_switch()
if userinput == "": return
mode = 'n' # n = normal, a = AND, o = OR
if not userinput.isdecimal():
if userinput[0] == '&' and userinput[1:].isdecimal():
# AND operator, applied later after doing some more validation
userinput = userinput[1:]
mode = 'a'
elif userinput[0] == '|' and userinput[1:].isdecimal():
# OR operator, applied later after doing some more validation
userinput = userinput[1:]
mode = 'o'
elif userinput == ">>" or userinput == "<<":
# Left and right shift
if not self.switch_state:
self.switch_state = self.get_switch_state()
if userinput == ">>":
# Right shift. '[2:]' removes the leading 'b0...'.
new_state = bin(int(self.switch_state, base=2) >> 1)[2:]
# Left shift. '[2:]' removes the leading 'b0...'.
new_state = bin(int(self.switch_state, base=2) << 1)[2:]
# Cut any exceeding leftmost bits
new_state = new_state[-len(self.switches):]
# Pad with leading zeroes
userinput = new_state.rjust(len(self.switches), '0')
print("You're not paying attention!", file=sys.stderr)
if len(userinput) != len(self.switches):
# First try to convert from integer if userinput's length doesn't
# match
if len(bin(int(userinput))) <= len(self.switches)+2:
# ^ +2 because bin() returns strings like 'b0...'
binary = bin(int(userinput))[2:] # Strip leading 'b0'
# Pad with leading zeroes
userinput = binary.rjust(len(self.switches), '0')
print("Error: wrong number of digits (expected {}, got {})!".format(
len(self.switches), len(userinput)))
return False
# Now that everything special is expanded it's time to check if
# userinput really consists of 1s and 0s only
for digit in userinput:
if digit not in "01":
print("Error: invalid digit: " + digit, file=sys.stderr)
return False
if mode == 'a': # AND operator
if not self.switch_state:
self.switch_state = self.get_switch_state()
userinput = "".join(map(lambda x, y: str(int(x) & int(y)),
userinput, self.switch_state))
elif mode == 'o': # OR operator
if not self.switch_state:
self.switch_state = self.get_switch_state()
userinput = "".join(map(lambda x, y: str(int(x) | int(y)),
userinput, self.switch_state))
for i in range(len(self.switches)):
# If we know their state, skip switches which are unchanged
if self.switch_state:
if self.switch_state[i] == userinput[i]: continue
"topic" : self.switches[i][1],
"payload" : bytes([int(userinput[i])])
return self.c4.push(command)
def set_colorscheme(self, colorscheme, magic):
""" Apply colorscheme to the LED Cans in this room. """
command = []
for light in self.lights:
if colorscheme.color_for(light.topic):
# Update internal state of this Dmx object, so we can query
# <object>.payload later
if magic:
# Send color to ghost instead of the "real" light
# Generate the ghost topic for topic
ghost = "ghosts" + light.topic[light.topic.find('/'):]
"topic" : ghost,
"payload" : light.payload
# Send data to the real lanterns, not fluffyd.
"topic" : light.topic,
"payload" : light.payload
# Nothing to do. May happen if a preset defines no color for a room.
if command == []: return
if magic: # Do not retain "magic" messages
return self.c4.push(command, retain=False)
return self.c4.push(command)
class Wohnzimmer(C4Room):
""" Description of the Wohnzimmer. """
name = "Wohnzimmer"
switches = (
("Tür", "licht/wohnzimmer/tuer"),
("Mitte", "licht/wohnzimmer/mitte"),
("Flur", "licht/wohnzimmer/gang"),
("Küche", "licht/wohnzimmer/kueche")
master = Dmx7("dmx/wohnzimmer/master")
lights = (
class Plenarsaal(C4Room):
""" Description of the Plenarsaal. """
name = "Plenarsaal"
switches = (
("Vorne/Wand", "licht/plenar/vornewand"),
("Vorne/Fenster", "licht/plenar/vornefenster"),
("Hinten/Wand", "licht/plenar/hintenwand"),
("Hinten/Fenster", "licht/plenar/hintenfenster")
master = Dmx7("dmx/plenar/master")
lights = (
class Fnordcenter(C4Room):
""" Description of the Fnordcenter. """
name = "Fnordcenter"
switches = (
("Links (Fairydust)", "licht/fnord/links"),
("Rechts (SCUMM)", "licht/fnord/rechts")
master = Dmx4("dmx/fnord/master")
lights = (
class Keller(C4Room):
""" Description of the Keller. """
name = "Keller"
switches = (
("Außen", "licht/keller/aussen"),
("Innen", "licht/keller/innen"),
("Vorne", "licht/keller/vorne")
master = None
lights = ()
class Kitchenlight:
class Kitchenlight:
""" Interface to the Kitchenlight and its functions. """
""" Interface to the Kitchenlight and its functions. """
@ -665,6 +360,337 @@ class Kitchenlight:
class Dmx:
""" Abstraction of the 3 channel LED cans in the club. """
# 3 bytes for color, one each for red, green and blue
template = "000000"
def __init__(self, topic, color=None):
self.topic = topic
self.set_color(color or self.template)
self.is_master = topic.rfind("/master") == len(topic)-7 # 7 = len("/master")
def _pad_color(self, color):
""" Merge hex color values or payloads into the template.
Expand 4 bit hex code notation (eg. #f0f) and pad with template
to get a fitting payload for this kind of light. """
if len(color) > len(self.template):
# Silently truncate bytes exceeding template length
return color[:len(self.template)]
# Expand 3 char codes and codes of half the required length.
# Yet, let's presume that a 6-char code is alway meant to be
# interpreted as a color and should never be expanded.
if len(color) != 6 and len(color) == 3 or len(color) == (len(self.template) / 2):
color = "".join(char*2 for char in color)
if len(color) == len(self.template): # Nothing more to do
return color
# Add padding
color = color + self.template[len(color):]
return color
def set_color(self, color):
""" Set color (hex) for this instance.
The color is then available via its color variable. """
color = self._pad_color(color)
self.color = color
self.payload = bytearray.fromhex(color)
class Dmx4(Dmx):
""" Abstraction of the 4 channel LED cans in the club. """
# 3 bytes for color plus 1 byte for brightness
template = "000000ff"
class Dmx7(Dmx):
""" Abstraction of the 7 channel LED cans in the club. """
# 3 bytes for color, another 3 bytes for special functions and 1 byte
# for brightness
template = "000000000000ff"
class C4Room:
""" Methods of rooms in the club. """
def __init__(self):
self.c4 = C4Interface()
# get_switch_state() will store its result and a timestamp to reduce
# requests to the broker
self._switch_state = ("", 0.0)
def _interactive_light_switch(self):
""" Interactively ask for input.
Returns str(userinput). Will not write to stdout if sys.stdin is
no tty. """
if sys.stdin.isatty():
print("Please enter 0 or 1 for every light:")
for level in range(len(self.switches)):
print((level * '|') + ",- " + self.switches[level][0])
switch_state = self.get_switch_state()
print(switch_state) # Present current state
userinput = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip('\n')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("\rInterrupted by user.")
return ""
return userinput
def get_switch_state(self, max_age=5):
""" Returns current state of switches as a string of 1s and 0s.
max_age specifies how old (in seconds) a cached responce from a
previously done request may be before it is considered outdated. """
from time import time
# We store switch states in self._switch_state to reduce requests to
# the broker. If this variable is neither empty nor too old, use it!
if self._switch_state[0] != "":
if time() - self._switch_state[1] <= max_age:
return self._switch_state[0]
state = ""
req = []
for topic in self.switches:
responce = self.c4.pull(req)
for sw in self.switches:
for r in responce:
if r.topic == sw[1]:
state += str(int.from_bytes(r.payload, byteorder="little"))
if C4Interface.debug:
print("[DEBUG] Warning: handing over fake data to allow for further execution!",
state = '0' * len(self.switches)
self._switch_state = (state, time())
return state
def light_switch(self, userinput=""):
""" Switch lamps in a room on or off. """
if not userinput:
# Derive user input from stdin
userinput = self._interactive_light_switch()
if userinput == "": return
# Let's support some geeky binary operations!
mode = 'n' # n = normal, a = AND, o = OR
if not userinput.isdecimal():
if userinput[0] == '&' and userinput[1:].strip().isdecimal():
# AND operator, applied later after doing some more validation
userinput = userinput[1:].strip()
mode = 'a'
elif userinput[0] == '|' and userinput[1:].strip().isdecimal():
# OR operator, applied later after doing some more validation
userinput = userinput[1:].strip()
mode = 'o'
elif (userinput[:2] == ">>" or userinput[:2] == "<<") \
and (userinput[2:].strip() == "" or userinput[2:].strip().isdecimal()):
# Left or right shift
# How far shall we shift?
if userinput[2:].strip().isdecimal():
shift_by = int(userinput[2:])
shift_by = 1
# Retrieve the current state of switches
switch_state = self.get_switch_state()
if userinput[:2] == ">>":
# Right shift. '[2:]' removes the leading 'b0...'.
new_state = bin(int(switch_state, base=2) >> shift_by)[2:]
# Left shift. '[2:]' removes the leading 'b0...'.
new_state = bin(int(switch_state, base=2) << shift_by)[2:]
# Cut any exceeding leftmost bits
new_state = new_state[-len(self.switches):]
# Pad with leading zeroes
userinput = new_state.rjust(len(self.switches), '0')
# Oh no, input contained non-decimal characters which we could
# not parse. :(
print("Error: could not parse input!", file=sys.stderr)
if len(userinput) != len(self.switches):
# First try to convert from decimal if userinput's length doesn't
# match
if len(bin(int(userinput))) <= len(self.switches)+2:
# ^ +2 because bin() returns strings like 'b0...'
binary = bin(int(userinput))[2:] # Strip leading 'b0'
# Pad with leading zeroes
userinput = binary.rjust(len(self.switches), '0')
print("Error: wrong number of digits (expected {}, got {})!".format(
len(self.switches), len(userinput)), file=sys.stderr)
return False
# Now that everything special is expanded it's time to check if
# userinput really consists of 1s and 0s only
for digit in userinput:
if digit not in "01":
print("Error: invalid digit: " + digit, file=sys.stderr)
return False
if mode == 'a': # AND operator
switch_state = self.get_switch_state()
userinput = "".join(map(lambda x, y: str(int(x) & int(y)),
userinput, switch_state))
elif mode == 'o': # OR operator
switch_state = self.get_switch_state()
userinput = "".join(map(lambda x, y: str(int(x) | int(y)),
userinput, switch_state))
for i in range(len(self.switches)):
# Skip unchanged switches if we happen to know their state
if "switch_state" in dir():
if switch_state[i] == userinput[i]: continue
"topic" : self.switches[i][1],
"payload" : bytes([int(userinput[i])])
return self.c4.push(command)
def set_colorscheme(self, colorscheme, magic):
""" Apply colorscheme to the LED Cans in this room. """
command = []
for light in self.lights:
if colorscheme.get_color_for(light.topic):
# Update internal state of this Dmx object, so we can query
# <object>.payload later
if magic:
# Send color to ghost instead of the "real" light
# Generate the ghost topic for topic
ghost = "ghosts" + light.topic[light.topic.find('/'):]
"topic" : ghost,
"payload" : light.payload
# Send data to the real lanterns, not fluffyd.
"topic" : light.topic,
"payload" : light.payload
# Nothing to do. May happen if a preset defines no color for a room.
if command == []: return
if magic: # Do not retain "magic" messages
return self.c4.push(command, retain=False)
return self.c4.push(command)
class Wohnzimmer(C4Room):
""" Description of the Wohnzimmer. """
name = "Wohnzimmer"
switches = (
("Tür", "licht/wohnzimmer/tuer"),
("Mitte", "licht/wohnzimmer/mitte"),
("Flur", "licht/wohnzimmer/gang"),
("Küche", "licht/wohnzimmer/kueche")
master = Dmx7("dmx/wohnzimmer/master")
lights = (
class Plenarsaal(C4Room):
""" Description of the Plenarsaal. """
name = "Plenarsaal"
switches = (
("Vorne/Wand", "licht/plenar/vornewand"),
("Vorne/Fenster", "licht/plenar/vornefenster"),
("Hinten/Wand", "licht/plenar/hintenwand"),
("Hinten/Fenster", "licht/plenar/hintenfenster")
master = Dmx7("dmx/plenar/master")
lights = (
class Fnordcenter(C4Room):
""" Description of the Fnordcenter. """
name = "Fnordcenter"
switches = (
("Links (Fairydust)", "licht/fnord/links"),
("Rechts (SCUMM)", "licht/fnord/rechts")
master = Dmx4("dmx/fnord/master")
lights = (
class Keller(C4Room):
""" Description of the Keller. """
name = "Keller"
switches = (
("Außen", "licht/keller/aussen"),
("Innen", "licht/keller/innen"),
("Vorne", "licht/keller/vorne")
master = None
lights = ()
class ColorScheme:
class ColorScheme:
""" Abstraction of a colorscheme. """
""" Abstraction of a colorscheme. """
@ -692,7 +718,7 @@ class ColorScheme:
return self.from_file(autoinit)
return self.from_file(autoinit)
def __bool__(self):
def __bool__(self):
# Return true if color_for has a chance to present anything useful
# Return true if get_color_for has a chance to present anything useful
if self.mapping: return True
if self.mapping: return True
if self.single_color: return True
if self.single_color: return True
if self.return_random_color: return True
if self.return_random_color: return True
@ -764,44 +790,20 @@ class ColorScheme:
color += hex(ch)[2:]*2
color += hex(ch)[2:]*2
return color
return color
def _single_color(self):
def get_color_for(self, topic):
# Check if there is a range in the color string. If yes, replace it
""" Returns color for topic.
# by a random color.
if self.single_color.find('-', 1, -1) == -1:
return self.single_color
from random import randint
Returns the color (in hexadecimal notation) this ColorScheme
color = ""
associates with for the given topic. """
for i in range(len(self.single_color)):
if self.single_color[i] != '-':
if self.single_color[i-1] == '-':
elif self.single_color[i+1] == '-':
except IndexError: pass
color += self.single_color[i]
f, t = self.single_color[i-1], self.single_color[i+1]
color += hex(randint(int(f, base=16), int(t, base=16)))[2:]
return color
def color_for(self, topic):
""" Returns the color (in hexadecimal notation) this ColorScheme assumes
for the given topic. """
# We need to take care not to return colors for both "normal" topics
# and masters, as setting masters would override other settings.
# If this ColorScheme has been read from a file though, we asssume that
# the user has taken care of this and apply what we are told to apply.
if self.mapping:
if self.mapping:
if topic in self.mapping.keys():
if topic in self.mapping.keys():
return self.mapping[topic]
return self.mapping[topic]
elif self.single_color:
elif self.single_color:
if not self._topic_is_master(topic):
return self.single_color
return self._single_color()
elif self.return_random_color:
elif self.return_random_color:
# We need to take care not to return colors for both "normal" and
# master topics
if not self._topic_is_master(topic):
if not self._topic_is_master(topic):
return self._random_color()
return self._random_color()
# Fallback
# Fallback
@ -856,7 +858,7 @@ class ColorScheme:
def from_color(self, color):
def from_color(self, color):
""" Derive ColorScheme from a single hex color. """
""" Derive ColorScheme from a single hex color. """
self.single_color = color.lstrip('#').strip('-')
self.single_color = color.lstrip('#')
def from_random(self):
def from_random(self):
""" Derive ColorScheme from random colors. """
""" Derive ColorScheme from random colors. """
@ -884,8 +886,10 @@ class ColorScheme:
def store(self, name):
def store(self, name):
""" Store the current state of all lights as preset. """
""" Store the current state of all lights as preset. """
# First of all, refuse to override virtual presets
# Refuse to save under a name used by virtual presets. Let's also
if name in self._virtual_presets:
# refuse to save as "config" or "c4ctrl.conf", as we may use one these
# file names in the future.
if name in self._virtual_presets or name in ["config", "c4ctrl.conf"]:
print("I'm sorry Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. The name \"{}\" \
print("I'm sorry Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. The name \"{}\" \
is reserved. Please choose a different one.".format(name))
is reserved. Please choose a different one.".format(name))
return False
return False
@ -894,11 +898,15 @@ is reserved. Please choose a different one.".format(name))
fd = sys.stdout
fd = sys.stdout
import os
import os
cfg_dir = self._get_cfg_dir(create=True) # Create config dir if missing
# Put preset in our config directory, create it if necessary
cfg_dir = self._get_cfg_dir(create=True)
# Strip any path elements
name = os.path.split(name)[1]
fn = os.path.join(cfg_dir, name)
fn = os.path.join(cfg_dir, name)
fd = open(fn, 'xt')
fd = open(fn, 'xt') # x = new file (writing), t = text mode
except FileExistsError:
except FileExistsError:
print("A preset with this name already exists, overwrite? [y/N]",
print("A preset with this name already exists, overwrite? [y/N]",
end=' ', flush=True)
end=' ', flush=True)
Reference in a new issue