# "Emergency" colorscheme for c4ctrl

# Put this file into "$XDG_CONFIG_DIR/c4ctrl/" (likely "~/.config/c4ctrl/") to
# make it available to c4ctrl.py. 
# This preset uses some more advanced features of the LED cans in the club.
# The following table lists their options.
## 4-channel cans (deployed in the Fnordcenter) ##
# 1 00-ff   Red
# 2 00-ff   Green
# 3 00-ff   Blue
# 7 00-ff   Dimmer 0% -> 100%
## 7-channel cans (deployed in Wohnzimmer and Plenarsaal) ##
# 1 00-ff   Red
# 2 00-ff   Green
# 3 00-ff   Blue
# 4 00-07   Nothing
#   08-ff   Color Macro
# 5 00-0f   Nothing
#   10-ff   Strobing/Macro Speed
# 6 00-1f   Nothing
#   ff-3f   Dim -> Bright
#   40-5f   Bright -> Dim
#   60-7f   Dim -> Bright -> Dim
#   80-9f   Color Mixing
#   a0-bf   3 Color Change
#   c0-df   7 Color Change
#   e0-ff   Sound Active
# 7 00-ff   Dimmer 0% -> 100%

# Wohnzimmer + Küche
dmx/wohnzimmer/master = ff000000f040ff
#dmx/wohnzimmer/tuer1 = ff000000f040ff
#dmx/wohnzimmer/tuer2 = ff000000f040ff
#dmx/wohnzimmer/tuer3 = ff000000f040ff
#dmx/wohnzimmer/mitte1 = ff000000f040ff
#dmx/wohnzimmer/mitte2 = ff000000f040ff
#dmx/wohnzimmer/mitte3 = ff000000f040ff
#dmx/wohnzimmer/gang = ff000000f040ff
#dmx/wohnzimmer/baellebad = ff000000f040ff
led/kitchen/sink = 000000

# Fnordcenter
dmx/fnord/master = ff0000ff
#dmx/fnord/scummfenster = ff0000ff
#dmx/fnord/schranklinks = ff0000ff
#dmx/fnord/fairyfenster = ff0000ff
#dmx/fnord/schrankrechts = ff0000ff

# Plenarsaal
dmx/plenar/master = ff000000f040ff
#dmx/plenar/vorne1 = ff000000f040ff
#dmx/plenar/vorne2 = ff000000f040ff
#dmx/plenar/vorne3 = ff000000f040ff
#dmx/plenar/hinten1 = ff000000f040ff
#dmx/plenar/hinten2 = ff000000f040ff
#dmx/plenar/hinten3 = ff000000f040ff
#dmx/plenar/hinten4 = ff000000f040ff