# c4ctrl Command line client and utilities for AutoC4. This repository consists of: * *c4ctrl.py* - the command line client and python module * *kitchentext* - a python script to display multiple lines of text on the Kitchenlight * *c4ctrl.vim* - a plugin for the vim text editor * *_c4ctrl* - command line completion file for zsh ### Dependencies * Python 3.?: [[https://www.python.org/]] * Paho Python Module: [[https://github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.python]] ### Installation Install the *Paho Python Module* somewehere into *$PYTHONPATH* or run *c4ctrl.py* with a modified *$PYTHONPATH* variable. Another way to run *c4ctrl.py* without installing the Paho Module system-wide is to add the following line of code at the start of *c4ctrl.py*, right after *import sys*, and modify it to match your setup: ``` sys.path.append("/home/somepony/somedir/paho.mqtt.python/src") ``` You may want to create symbolic links to *c4ctrl.py* and *kitchentext* in a directory in your *$PATH*. For example: ``` $ ln -s /home/somepony/somedir/c4ctrl/c4ctrl.py /home/somepony/bin/c4ctrl $ ln -s /home/somepony/somedir/c4ctrl/kitchentext /home/somepony/bin/kitchentext ``` ### Usage Please run *c4ctrl.py* with the *-h* or *--help* flag to display all available options. ``` $ c4ctrl.py -h ``` ### Preset file location *c4ctrl* searches for preset files in the directory *$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/c4ctrl/*, defaulting to *$HOME/.config/c4ctrl/*. If you use the *-o* flag and this directory does not exist, *c4ctrl* will ask if it shall create it for you. Preset files have no suffix and the file name is the preset name. ### Preset file format Preset files consist of *topics* and *payloads*, separated by a single equal sign '='. Lines beginning with '#' are considered to be comments and are ignored (in fact, every line beginning with a non-alphanumeric character is). Spaces and tab characters will also be ignored. You may add them to structure the preset file. ``` # The first three bytes of the payload are the values for red, green and blue. # Some devices take up to 7 bytes. # **Note:** 4 and 7 channel cans use the last byte for brightness. You most # likely want to set this to 'ff' as shown below. # Full notation for 7 channel dmx cans. dmx/plenarsaal/vorne1 = 0033ff 000000ff # ^^ Brightness # Normal notation. dmx/plenarsaal/vorne2 = 0033ff # Short notation (same as '0033ff'). dmx/plenarsaal/vorne3 = 03f ``` ### Virtual presets The presets *off* and *random* are built-ins and are always available. Note that *random* is not really random, but a kind of 'colorful random'. ## kitchentext Kitchenlight utility script. *kitchentext* is written in python and depends on *c4ctrl.py*. ``` $ kitchentext -h ``` ## c4ctrl.vim A vim plugin to help with the creation and editing of preset files. Depends on *c4ctrl[.py]*. Install by putting *c4ctrl.vim* into your *~/.vim/plugin/* directory or create a symbolic link there. ``` $ mkdir -p ~/.vim/plugin $ ln -s /home/somepony/somedir/c4ctrl/c4ctrl.vim ~/.vim/plugin/c4ctrl.vim ``` ### Usage ``` :C4ctrl get -- Read current state into buffer. :C4ctrl open $name -- Open local preset $name. :C4ctrl set [w|p|f] [-magic] -- Apply current buffer or range/selection as preset to room [w]ohnzimmer, [p]lenarsaal or [f]nordcenter. Default is all rooms. :C4ctrl kitchentext [register] -- Display text in register, selected text or text in range on the Kitchenlight. :C4ctrl write $name -- Save current buffer as preset $name. ``` Commands and options (excluding preset names) may be abbreviated as long as they stay unambiguous (e.g. *:C4 s w -m* is a valid command). Completion works for commands, options and preset names. The recommended workflow looks like this: Read the current state of all ambient lights into a new buffer. ``` :C4 g ``` Make some edits. **Note:** Dmx cans taking 4 or 7 bytes use the last byte for brightness. You most likely want this to be 'ff' (as seen below). ``` dmx/wohnzimmer/tuer1 = 00ff00 000000ff ^^ ``` The *set* command optionally takes a range or selection. This way you can apply changes to a subset of lights or a single light only. Alternatively you can give a room name as option. ``` :.C4 s <-- apply changes in the current line only (note the dot) :'<,'>C4 s <-- apply selected lines (use with -V) :C4 p <-- apply all changes to plenarsaal ``` You can write your preset into *c4ctrl*s config directory with the *write* command. **Note:** c4ctrl stores it's presets in *$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/c4ctrl/* (likely *$HOME/.config/c4ctrl*). The vim plugin will **not** create this directory for you if it doesn't exist. *c4ctrl* will. Either create the directory by hand or run *c4ctrl -o pony* on the command line after applying your changes. ``` :C4 w pony ``` You may open existing presets with *open*. ``` :C4 o pony ``` ## _c4ctrl Completion script for zsh. ### Installation Put *_c4ctrl* somewhere into *$fpath* (or alter *$fpath* in your *~/.zshrc*). See also: [[http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Completion-System.html#Completion-Directories]] For example: Add the following lines to your *~/.zshrc* **before** any 'compinstall' stuff: ``` # Add custom zsh script directory to fpath fpath=($fpath ~/.local/share/zsh) ``` Then create the directory and put a link to *_c4ctrl* there. ``` $ mkdir -p ~/.local/share/zsh $ ln -s /home/somepony/somedir/c4ctrl/_c4ctrl ~/.local/share/zsh/_c4ctrl ```