2017-04-18 18:52:55 +02:00

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" c4ctrl.vim: This Vim plugin makes some functionality of the c4ctrl command
" line utility available from within Vim.
" Last Change: 2017 Apr 16
" Maintainer: Shy
" License: This file is placed in the public domain.
" Usage: C4ctrl [get | kitchentext [REGISTER] | open PRESET |
" set [w] [p] [f] [-magic] | write PRESET]
if exists("g:loaded_c4ctrl")
let g:loaded_c4ctrl = 1
" ************************************************************************** "
" Utility function: Find the path to the c4ctrl configuration directory and "
" return it as string. "
" ************************************************************************** "
function s:FindConfigDir() " {{{1
" Return early if we already know it from an earlier invocation.
if exists("s:config_dir")
return s:config_dir
let s:config_dir = expand("$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/c4ctrl/")
let s:config_dir = expand("$HOME/.config/c4ctrl/")
if !isdirectory(s:config_dir)
echohl WarningMsg
echo "Error: could not access config directory: ".s:config_dir."!"
echohl None
return ""
return s:config_dir
endfunction " }}}1
" ************************************************************************** "
" Make some functionality of the 'c4ctrl' command line utility available "
" from within Vim. "
" Available commands are 'get', 'kitchentext', 'open', 'set' and 'write'. "
" Arguments: "
" prev_cursor_pos -- cursor position as returned by getcurpos() "
" mods -- modifiers (:command variable <f-mods>) "
" first_line -- first line of range (:command <line1>) "
" last_line -- last line of range (:command <line2>) "
" command -- user command ('get', 'set' etc.) "
" [...] -- optional command options "
" ************************************************************************** "
function C4ctrl(prev_cursor_pos, mods, first_line, last_line, command, ...) range " {{{1
try " We utilize the finally section to clean up the environment later on.
" Name of the executable.
let s:c4ctrl = "c4ctrl"
" ********************************************************************** "
" Utility function to print out a warning message. "
" ********************************************************************** "
function! s:Warn(message) " {{{2
echohl WarningMsg
echo a:message
echohl None
endfunction " }}}2
" ********************************************************************** "
" Utility function to be called after a preset has been loaded. "
" ********************************************************************** "
function! s:SynHighlight() " {{{2
syn clear
" Match topics
syn match Identifier "^\s*[[:alnum:]/]\+\ze\s*="
" Match color values with 3 digits
syn match Number "=\s*\zs\%(\s*\x\)\{3}"
" Match color values with 6 digits
syn match Number "=\s*\zs\%(\s*\x\)\{6}"
" Match comments
syn match Comment "^\s*#.*"
" Match error: too few digits
syn match Error "=\s*\zs\x\{1,2}\s*$"
" Match error: invalid chars as digit
syn match Error "=\s*\zs.*[^[:blank:][:xdigit:]]\+.*"
"syn match Error "=\s*\zs.*\%(\S\&\X\)\+.*"
" Move the cursor somewhere more practical.
call cursor(1,1)
call search("^[^#].*=[ \t]*[0-9a-fA-F]", 'eW')
endfunction " }}}2
" Check if we can execute c4ctrl or c4ctrl.py and modify the variable
" s:c4ctrl accordingly if needed.
if !executable(s:c4ctrl) " {{{2
" Maybe we just need to add .py to the command?
if executable(s:c4ctrl.".py")
let s:c4ctrl .= ".py"
call s:Warn("Executable not found! Please put \"".s:c4ctrl."\" into your $PATH.")
unlet s:c4ctrl
endif " }}}2
" *************************************************** "
" Command 'get': Read current status into new buffer. "
" *************************************************** "
if stridx("get", a:command) == 0 " {{{2
execute a:mods "new"
silent execute "0 read !" s:c4ctrl "-o -"
if v:shell_error == 0
call s:SynHighlight()
set nomodified " Mark as unmodified.
call s:Warn(printf("Error: %s returned exit code %d!", s:c4ctrl, v:shell_error))
" }}}2
" ***************************************************************** "
" Command 'kitchentext': Send given reister or text in range to the "
" Kitchenlight. "
" ***************************************************************** "
elseif stridx("kitchentext", a:command) == 0 " {{{2
let kitchentext = 'kitchentext'
if !executable(kitchentext)
call s:Warn('Executable not found! Please put "'.kitchentext.'" into your $PATH.')
let command_line = 'kitchentext -f -d 150 -p'
if exists('a:1')
" Use text from given register.
let text = getreg(a:1, 0, 1)
if text == []
call s:Warn('Warning: register "'.a:1.'" is empty!")
" Use text in range.
let text = getline(a:first_line, a:last_line)
" Check if user marked a substring using visual selection.
" Note: stridx() returns '0' when the second parameter evaluates to an
" empty string. Thus the leading space in the first parameter.
if stridx(' v', visualmode()) > 0 && stridx(histget('', -1), "'<,'>") != -1
let visual_start = getpos("'<")
let visual_end = getpos("'>")
" Better safe than sorry: lets check if the last visual selection
" starts and ends on the same lines as the range we were given.
if visual_start[1] == a:first_line && visual_end[1] == a:last_line
if visualmode() == 'v'
" Beware: text[0] and text[-1] may be the same line of text.
" Thus this somewhat counter-intuitive order.
let text[-1] = strpart(text[-1], 0, visual_end[2])
let text[0] = strpart(text[0], (visual_start[2] - 1))
else " Box selection.
call map(text, 'strpart(v:val, 0, '.visual_end[2].')')
call map(text, 'strpart(v:val, '.(visual_start[2] -1).')')
endif " visual_start[1] ...
else " stridx(' v', ...
" No visual selection then.
" Let's warn the user if she's about to put the whole buffer on the
" Kitchenlight.
if a:first_line != a:last_line && a:first_line == 1 && a:last_line == line('$')
let responce = input('Really send the whole buffer to the Kitchenlight? [y/N]: ')
if responce != 'y' && responce != 'Y'
echo 'Canceled.'
endif " a:firt_line != a:last_line ...
endif " stridx(' v', ...
endif " exists('a:1')
" Strip any leading white spaces.
call map(text, 'substitute(v:val, "^[ \t]*", "", "")')
let ret = system(command_line, text)
" }}}2
" ******************************************************* "
" Command 'open': Load an exiting preset into the buffer. "
" ******************************************************* "
elseif stridx("open", a:command) == 0 " {{{2
if !exists("a:1")
call s:Warn("Missing filename!")
let s:config_dir = s:FindConfigDir()
if s:config_dir == ""
let filename = s:config_dir . a:1
if !filereadable(filename)
call s:Warn("Error: could not open file ".filename)
execute a:mods "new"
execute "edit" fnameescape(filename)
call s:SynHighlight()
" }}}2
" *********************************************** "
" Command 'set': Apply range or buffer as preset. "
" *********************************************** "
elseif stridx("set", a:command) == 0 " {{{2
" Let's start by building a command line.
let command_line = s:c4ctrl
let rooms_given = 0
for i in range(a:0)
let arg = a:000[i]
for room in ["wohnzimmer", "plenarsaal", "fnordcenter"]
if stridx(room, arg) == 0
let command_line = printf("%s -%s -", command_line, arg[0])
let rooms_given = 1
if stridx("-magic", arg) == 0
let command_line = printf("%s --magic", command_line)
if rooms_given == 0
" If no room is given, set colors for all rooms.
let command_line .= " -w - -p - -f -"
silent let ret = system(command_line, getline(a:first_line, a:last_line))
" Restore cursor position.
call setpos('.', a:prev_cursor_pos)
" }}}2
" ************************************************************* "
" Command 'write': Save buffer as preset into config directory. "
" ************************************************************* "
elseif stridx("write", substitute(a:command, "!$", "", "")) == 0 " {{{2
if !exists("a:1")
call s:Warn("Missing filename!")
let s:config_dir = s:FindConfigDir()
if s:config_dir == ""
let filename = s:config_dir . a:1
if strridx(a:command, "!") == (len(a:command) - 1)
" Force if a '!' was appended to the command.
execute "saveas!" fnameescape(filename)
execute "saveas" fnameescape(filename)
call s:SynHighlight()
" }}}2
" **************************** "
" Fallback on unknown command. "
" Error handling. "
" **************************** "
else " {{{2
call s:Warn("Unknown command: ".a:command)
echo "Valid commands are get, kitchentext, open, set and write"
" Echo return if shell exited with an error.
if v:shell_error
if exists("ret")
echoerr ret
endif " }}}2
" {{{ Clean up environment after C4ctrl().
unlet! s:c4ctrl s:config_dir
delfunction s:SynHighlight
delfunction s:Warn
" }}}
endfunction " }}}1
" ************************************************************************** "
" Custom command line completion. "
" ************************************************************************** "
function s:C4ctrlCompletion(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos) " {{{1
" The name of the command we are adding to Vim.
let command_name = "C4ctrl"
" A list of current cmd line arguments, stripping everything up to the
" first capital.
let command_line = split(strpart(a:CmdLine, match(a:CmdLine, "[A-Z]")))
" Check out if our name was abbreviated and modify accordingly
while index(command_line, command_name) == -1
let command_name = strpart(command_name, 0, len(command_name) - 1)
if len(command_name) == 0
" This should never happen, but let's not risk an infinite loop anyway
return ""
" Position of our command in the command line.
let command_index = index(command_line, command_name)
try " We use the matching finally for cleaning up.
if len(command_line) == command_index + 1 || (len(command_line) == command_index + 2 && a:ArgLead != "")
" ************************** "
" Complete the prime command "
" ************************** "
return "get\nkitchentext\nopen\nset\nwrite"
if stridx("open", get(command_line, command_index + 1)) == 0 || (len(command_line) == command_index + 1 && a:ArgLead == command_name)
" *************************** "
" Complete the 'open' command "
" *************************** "
" ^ Note: the seconds part of the if rule above (the part after '||')
" will eval to true whenever a filename matches our command name better
" than the actually given command name (eg. ':C4 open C4c').
if len(command_line) > command_index + 3 || (len(command_line) == command_index + 3 && a:ArgLead == "")
" Do not return more than one file name.
return ""
let s:config_dir = s:FindConfigDir()
if s:config_dir == ""
return ""
return join(map(glob(s:config_dir."*", 0, 1), "fnamemodify(v:val, ':t')"), "\n")
elseif stridx("get", get(command_line, command_index + 1)) == 0
" ************************** "
" Complete the 'get' command "
" ************************** "
return ""
elseif stridx("kitchentext", get(command_line, command_index + 1)) == 0
" ********************************** "
" Complete the 'kitchentext' command "
" ********************************** "
return ""
elseif stridx("set", get(command_line, command_index + 1)) == 0
" ************************** "
" Complete the 'set' command "
" ************************** "
return "wohnzimmer\nplenarsaal\nfnordcenter\n-magic"
elseif stridx("write", get(command_line, command_index + 1)) == 0 || (len(command_line) == command_index + 1 && a:ArgLead == command_name)
" **************************** "
" Complete the 'write' command "
" **************************** "
" ^ Note: the seconds part of the if rule above (the part after '||')
" will eval to true whenever a filename matches our command name better
" than the actually given command name (eg. ':C4 open C4c').
if len(command_line) > command_index + 3 || (len(command_line) == command_index + 3 && a:ArgLead == "")
" Do not return more than one file name.
return ""
let s:config_dir = s:FindConfigDir()
if s:config_dir == ""
return ""
return join(map(glob(s:config_dir."*", 0, 1), "fnamemodify(v:val, ':t')"), "\n")
return ""
unlet! s:config_dir
endfunction " }}}1
" ************************************************************************** "
" Add our command to Vim. "
" ************************************************************************** "
if !exists(":C4ctrl") " {{{1
command -nargs=+ -complete=custom,s:C4ctrlCompletion -range=% C4ctrl call C4ctrl(getcurpos(), <f-mods>, <line1>, <line2>, <f-args>)
endif " }}}1