Fine-tuned beveled/rounded edges.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 15 additions and 4 deletions
@ -361,6 +361,16 @@ module outer() {
import("./svg/back borders lower.svg");
// Bei abgerundeten Ecken sehen schärfere Kanten neben dem
// RJ45-Stecker besser aus.
if (beveled_edges || rounded_edges) {
translate([67, 98, -top])
cube([2, 2, top+border_height]);
translate([93.25, 101, -top])
cube([1, 1, top+space]);
render() border_cutouts();
@ -35,9 +35,9 @@
@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
d="M -5.0002116 -5.0002116 L -5.0002116 115.00022 L 154.99984 115.00022 L 154.99984 -5.0002116 L -5.0002116 -5.0002116 z M 31.499886 0.99993896 L 36.999809 0.99993896 C 38.999933 0.99993896 39.000203 2.9998169 39.000203 2.9998169 L 39.000203 8.9999674 C 39.000203 8.9999674 39.00019 9.1404571 39.052913 9.3162272 C 39.088063 9.4334073 39.146467 9.5664666 39.244116 9.6836466 C 39.292944 9.7422403 39.351571 9.7969686 39.421883 9.8438436 C 39.492196 9.8907184 39.574227 9.9296713 39.66993 9.957015 C 39.717781 9.970686 39.768995 9.981214 39.823926 9.9885376 C 39.878857 9.9958666 39.937642 9.9999064 40.000142 9.9999064 L 67.000045 9.9999064 C 69.000041 9.9999064 68.999923 11.999784 68.999923 11.999784 L 68.999923 23.000146 C 68.999923 23.750146 69.499862 24.500026 69.999862 25.000024 L 75.000073 30.000236 C 75.500073 30.500236 76.286455 31.000348 76.999951 31.000175 L 92.250183 31.000175 C 93.250181 31.000175 93.250122 30.000236 93.250122 30.000236 L 93.250122 8.9999674 C 93.250122 8.9999674 93.250063 8.0000285 94.250061 8.0000285 L 98.00022 8.0000285 C 98.750218 8.0000285 99.500096 8.4999679 100.0001 8.9999674 C 100.5001 9.4999664 101.24998 9.9999064 101.99998 9.9999064 L 110 9.9999064 C 110.0625 9.9999064 110.12132 9.9958576 110.17622 9.9885376 C 110.23112 9.9812136 110.28242 9.970686 110.33022 9.957015 C 110.42592 9.9296716 110.50796 9.8907185 110.57826 9.8438436 C 110.64858 9.7969686 110.70723 9.7422406 110.75603 9.6836466 C 110.80479 9.6251727 110.84369 9.5625673 110.87489 9.5001953 L 110.87489 9.4996785 C 110.99987 9.2496943 110.99994 8.9999674 110.99994 8.9999674 L 110.99994 2.9998169 C 110.99994 2.9998169 110.99982 0.99993896 112.99982 0.99993896 L 118.49974 0.99993896 C 119.49974 0.99993896 120.50007 1.5001078 121.50008 2.5001058 L 127.99994 8.9999674 C 128.12494 9.1249672 128.26566 9.2501996 128.418 9.3673869 C 128.57034 9.4845742 128.73447 9.5935141 128.90634 9.687264 C 129.16413 9.8278773 129.43944 9.9337456 129.71921 9.9776855 C 129.81248 9.9923365 129.90612 9.9999064 129.99982 9.9999064 L 140.00024 9.9999064 C 145.54022 9.9999064 150.00015 14.459823 150.00015 19.999813 L 150.00015 20.999752 C 150.00015 21.74975 149.50021 22.500148 149.00021 23.000146 L 146.99981 25.000024 C 146.49981 25.500024 145.99987 26.249904 145.99987 26.999902 L 145.99987 93.000008 C 145.99987 93.750006 146.49981 94.499888 146.99981 94.999886 L 149.00021 96.999764 C 149.50021 97.499762 150.00015 98.250159 150.00015 99.000159 L 150.00015 100.0001 C 150.00015 105.54008 145.54022 110 140.00024 110 L 117.4998 110 C 115.49982 110 115.49993 108.00013 115.49993 108.00013 L 115.49993 89.000252 C 115.49993 89.000252 115.50005 86.999858 113.50005 86.999858 L 35.99987 86.999858 C 35.249872 86.999858 34.49999 87.499797 33.999992 87.999797 L 32.000114 90.000191 C 31.500114 90.500189 31.000175 91.250071 31.000175 92.000069 L 31.000175 103.99985 C 31.000175 103.99985 30.999776 106.00025 28.99978 106.00025 L 16.999996 106.00025 C 16.249998 106.00025 15.500118 106.50019 15.000118 107.00019 L 13.00024 109.00007 C 12.500242 109.50005 11.749845 110 10.999845 110 L 9.9999064 110 C 4.4599176 110 0 105.54008 0 100.0001 L 0 99.000159 C 0 98.250159 0.49993996 97.499762 0.99993896 96.999764 L 2.9998169 94.999886 C 3.4998159 94.499888 3.9997559 93.750006 3.9997559 93.000008 L 3.9997559 26.999902 C 3.9997559 26.249904 3.4998159 25.500024 2.9998169 25.000024 L 0.99993896 23.000146 C 0.49993996 22.500148 0 21.74975 0 20.999752 L 0 19.999813 C 1.2533172e-15 14.459823 4.4599176 9.9999064 9.9999064 9.9999064 L 19.999813 9.9999064 C 20.374811 9.9999064 20.749955 9.8747483 21.093803 9.687264 C 21.265678 9.5935142 21.429802 9.4845742 21.582145 9.3673869 C 21.734489 9.2501996 21.875208 9.1249672 22.000208 8.9999674 L 28.500069 2.5001058 C 29.500065 1.5001078 30.499888 0.99993896 31.499886 0.99993896 z " />
d="M -5.0002116,-5.0002116 V 115.00022 H 154.99984 V -5.0002116 Z M 31.499886,0.99993896 h 5.499923 c 2.000124,0 2.000394,1.99987794 2.000394,1.99987794 v 6.0001505 c 0,0 -1.3e-5,0.1404897 0.05271,0.3162598 0.03515,0.1171801 0.09355,0.2502394 0.191203,0.3674194 0.04883,0.058594 0.107455,0.113322 0.177767,0.160197 0.07031,0.046875 0.152344,0.085828 0.248047,0.1131714 0.04785,0.013671 0.09906,0.024199 0.153996,0.031523 0.05493,0.00733 0.113716,0.011369 0.176216,0.011369 l 34.349651,0 10.523182,-1.9998779 13.127245,0 c 0.749998,0 1.499876,0.4999394 1.99988,0.9999389 0.5,0.499999 1.24988,0.999939 1.99988,0.999939 H 110 c 0.0625,0 0.12132,-0.00405 0.17622,-0.011369 0.0549,-0.00732 0.1062,-0.017852 0.154,-0.031523 0.0957,-0.027343 0.17774,-0.066296 0.24804,-0.1131714 0.0703,-0.046875 0.12897,-0.101603 0.17777,-0.160197 0.0488,-0.058474 0.0877,-0.1210793 0.11886,-0.1834513 v -5.168e-4 c 0.12498,-0.2499842 0.12505,-0.4997111 0.12505,-0.4997111 V 2.9998169 c 0,0 -1.2e-4,-1.99987794 1.99988,-1.99987794 h 5.49992 c 1,0 2.00033,0.50016884 3.00034,1.50016684 l 6.49986,6.4998616 c 0.125,0.1249998 0.26572,0.2502322 0.41806,0.3674195 0.15234,0.1171873 0.31647,0.2261272 0.48834,0.3198771 0.25779,0.1406133 0.5331,0.2464816 0.81287,0.2904215 0.0933,0.014651 0.18691,0.022221 0.28061,0.022221 h 10.00042 c 5.53998,0 9.99991,4.4599166 9.99991,9.9999066 v 0.999939 c 0,0.749998 -0.49994,1.500396 -0.99994,2.000394 l -2.0004,1.999878 c -0.5,0.5 -0.99994,1.24988 -0.99994,1.999878 v 66.000106 c 0,0.749998 0.49994,1.49988 0.99994,1.999878 l 2.0004,1.999878 c 0.5,0.499998 0.99994,1.250395 0.99994,2.000395 v 0.999941 c 0,5.53998 -4.45993,9.9999 -9.99991,9.9999 H 117.4998 c -1.99998,0 -1.99987,-1.99987 -1.99987,-1.99987 V 89.000252 c 0,0 1.2e-4,-2.000394 -1.99988,-2.000394 H 35.99987 c -0.749998,0 -1.49988,0.499939 -1.999878,0.999939 l -1.999878,2.000394 c -0.5,0.499998 -0.999939,1.24988 -0.999939,1.999878 v 11.999781 c 0,0 -3.99e-4,2.0004 -2.000395,2.0004 H 16.999996 c -0.749998,0 -1.499878,0.49994 -1.999878,0.99994 l -1.999878,1.99988 C 12.500242,109.50005 11.749845,110 10.999845,110 H 9.9999064 C 4.4599176,110 0,105.54008 0,100.0001 v -0.999941 c 0,-0.75 0.49993996,-1.500397 0.99993896,-2.000395 L 2.9998169,94.999886 c 0.499999,-0.499998 0.999939,-1.24988 0.999939,-1.999878 V 26.999902 c 0,-0.749998 -0.49994,-1.499878 -0.999939,-1.999878 L 0.99993896,23.000146 C 0.49993996,22.500148 0,21.74975 0,20.999752 V 19.999813 C 0,14.459823 4.4599176,9.9999064 9.9999064,9.9999064 h 9.9999066 c 0.374998,0 0.750142,-0.1251581 1.09399,-0.3126424 0.171875,-0.09375 0.335999,-0.2026898 0.488342,-0.3198771 0.152344,-0.1171873 0.293063,-0.2424197 0.418063,-0.3674195 l 6.499861,-6.4998616 c 0.999996,-0.999998 1.999819,-1.50016684 2.999817,-1.50016684 z"
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