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5 changed files with 27 additions and 49 deletions
@ -34,17 +34,10 @@
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@ -350,11 +343,14 @@
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d="m 218.56941,120 h 2.66667 v -6.66668 h 2.85334 c 3.78667,0 6.53334,-1.76 6.53334,-5.54667 0,-3.92 -2.69334,-5.25334 -6.53334,-5.25334 h -5.52001 z m 2.66667,-8.82668 v -6.50667 h 2.58667 c 2.77334,0 4.16,0.8 4.16,3.12 0,2.32 -1.33333,3.38667 -4.16,3.38667 z m 21.57337,9.14668 c 1.46667,0 2.34667,-0.26667 3.6,-0.74667 l -0.64,-1.97333 c -0.88,0.37333 -1.62667,0.56 -2.34667,0.56 -1.44,0 -2.45333,-0.74667 -2.45333,-2.56001 v -14.50668 h -7.12001 v 2.10667 h 4.48 v 12.24001 c 0,3.14667 1.57334,4.88001 4.48001,4.88001 z m 13.70669,-11.60001 c 2.02667,0 3.36001,1.2 3.54668,3.57333 h -7.60001 c 0.4,-2.32 2.08,-3.57333 4.05333,-3.57333 z m 0.32,11.60001 c 2.00001,0 3.73334,-0.66667 5.06668,-1.54667 l -0.93334,-1.68 c -1.17333,0.72 -2.34667,1.14667 -3.78667,1.14667 -2.56,0 -4.48,-1.30667 -4.77334,-4.00001 h 9.92001 c 0.0533,-0.34666 0.10667,-0.88 0.10667,-1.44 0,-3.62667 -2.16,-6.16001 -6.00001,-6.16001 -3.46667,0 -6.66667,2.58667 -6.66667,6.82668 0,4.34667 3.12,6.85334 7.06667,6.85334 z m 9.54669,-0.32 h 2.64001 v -8.98668 c 1.33333,-1.38667 2.32,-2.08 3.70667,-2.08 1.97333,0 2.72,1.06667 2.72,3.33334 V 120 h 2.64001 v -8.08001 c 0,-3.38667 -1.38667,-5.28001 -4.42668,-5.28001 -2.02667,0 -3.49333,1.06667 -4.8,2.42667 h -0.10667 l -0.21333,-2.10667 h -2.16001 z m 20.08004,0.32 c 1.78667,0 3.6,-0.93333 4.98667,-2 h 0.08 l 0.21334,1.68 h 2.16 v -7.84001 c 0,-3.44 -1.84,-5.52001 -5.44001,-5.52001 -2.26667,0 -4.42667,0.96 -5.86667,1.84001 l 0.98667,1.78666 c 1.28,-0.74666 2.82667,-1.46666 4.42667,-1.46666 2.32,0 3.17334,1.30666 3.25334,2.90667 -6.56001,0.50666 -9.20002,1.92 -9.20002,4.85334 0,2.29333 1.89334,3.76 4.40001,3.76 z m 0.74667,-2.10667 c -1.41334,0 -2.58667,-0.53333 -2.58667,-1.84 0,-1.57334 1.52,-2.58667 6.64001,-2.98667 V 116.48 c -1.33334,1.09333 -2.66667,1.73333 -4.05334,1.73333 z M 299.71623,120 h 2.64 v -7.41334 c 1.44,-2.61334 3.25334,-3.57334 5.12001,-3.57334 0.98667,0 1.49333,0.13333 2.37334,0.42667 l 0.58666,-2.26667 c -0.8,-0.37334 -1.54667,-0.53334 -2.56,-0.53334 -2.32,0 -4.34667,1.25334 -5.68001,3.36001 h -0.08 l -0.21333,-3.04001 h -2.18667 z m 20.48004,0.32 c 3.84,0 5.97334,-1.78667 5.97334,-3.97334 0,-2.02667 -1.06667,-3.12 -5.33334,-4.05334 -2.53334,-0.53333 -3.57334,-0.96 -3.57334,-1.97333 0,-0.90667 0.72,-1.65334 2.69334,-1.65334 1.6,0 3.09333,0.50667 4.34667,1.33334 l 1.22667,-1.65334 c -1.30667,-0.88 -3.28001,-1.70667 -5.33334,-1.70667 -3.62668,0 -5.57334,1.62667 -5.57334,3.81334 0,1.97334 1.62666,3.14667 5.06667,3.86667 3.28,0.69334 3.81334,1.25334 3.81334,2.18667 0,0.98667 -0.96,1.78667 -2.96001,1.78667 -2.26667,0 -4.02667,-0.64 -5.54667,-1.70667 l -1.17334,1.70667 c 1.57334,1.09334 3.89334,2.02667 6.37335,2.02667 z m 14.26669,0 c 1.78667,0 3.60001,-0.93333 4.98667,-2 h 0.08 l 0.21334,1.68 h 2.16 v -7.84001 c 0,-3.44 -1.84,-5.52001 -5.44001,-5.52001 -2.26667,0 -4.42667,0.96 -5.86667,1.84001 l 0.98667,1.78666 c 1.28,-0.74666 2.82667,-1.46666 4.42667,-1.46666 2.32,0 3.17334,1.30666 3.25334,2.90667 -6.56001,0.50666 -9.20001,1.92 -9.20001,4.85334 0,2.29333 1.89333,3.76 4.4,3.76 z m 0.74667,-2.10667 c -1.41334,0 -2.58667,-0.53333 -2.58667,-1.84 0,-1.57334 1.52,-2.58667 6.64001,-2.98667 V 116.48 c -1.33334,1.09333 -2.66667,1.73333 -4.05334,1.73333 z m 15.25336,2.10667 c 1.78667,0 3.60001,-0.93333 4.98667,-2 h 0.08 L 355.743,120 h 2.16 v -7.84001 c 0,-3.44 -1.84,-5.52001 -5.44001,-5.52001 -2.26667,0 -4.42667,0.96 -5.86667,1.84001 l 0.98667,1.78666 c 1.28,-0.74666 2.82667,-1.46666 4.42667,-1.46666 2.32,0 3.17334,1.30666 3.25334,2.90667 -6.56001,0.50666 -9.20001,1.92 -9.20001,4.85334 0,2.29333 1.89333,3.76 4.4,3.76 z m 0.74667,-2.10667 c -1.41334,0 -2.58667,-0.53333 -2.58667,-1.84 0,-1.57334 1.52,-2.58667 6.64001,-2.98667 V 116.48 c -1.33334,1.09333 -2.66667,1.73333 -4.05334,1.73333 z m 19.60003,2.10667 c 1.46667,0 2.34667,-0.26667 3.60001,-0.74667 l -0.64,-1.97333 c -0.88,0.37333 -1.62667,0.56 -2.34667,0.56 -1.44,0 -2.45334,-0.74667 -2.45334,-2.56001 v -14.50668 h -7.12001 v 2.10667 h 4.48001 v 12.24001 c 0,3.14667 1.57333,4.88001 4.48,4.88001 z"
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<b>Coordinates</b> (click on map)
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